quotas or merit

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

HT asking for ONLY MERIT

India is a very holy and cultural and traditional country but it is very much disturbed from the caste system from ancient times.i think that everything whether that is admissions or jobd or selection of someone for something should only be on the basis of merit not caste because it creates an unpleasant environment in Indian communities as well as it hurts the secular unity of India.
As according to the HINDUSTAN TIMES, it is an opportunity for the media to do their bit for the upliftment of thinking of indian citizens which is busy in caste and quotas and which are demanding for selections in any field on merit basis only and now media should encourage them to select matrimonial individuals on the basis of merit not on caste.it is a very welcome step but it cant work in india because first of all we have to amend our constitution which is a great cause for this caste system in india as it itself dividing the people of india on the basis of caste by quota system. we can say that our constitution have become the bane for india because it is in the hands of our politicians as a puppet and our politicians can do any thing for their votebanks.also a holy country like india where people are very traditional it will hurt the hearts of people as then matrimonial advertisment will become the bane for them and then we will see a fall in matrimonial advertisements. first of all we have to change or amend our constitution and caste system should be abolished from it and equal rights should be given to everyone and everything should be on the basis of merits.yeah some special acts should be there but not on the basis of caste but on the basis of economical condition because reserving seats is not everything to help the poor or backward.
Also i want to ask the HINDUSTAN TIMES and its whole staff especialy to MR. D.SURI which are asking this question of marriages on the basis of merit not on caste that if they all have the courage to take the same step of marriages on the basis of merit not on caste in their own life or family.i know the answer that a fraction one will be there because it is very hard to change the thinking of people in a short time, it needs unknown years to work. HT should remember that stanza that " speaking is very easy but to keep those words is very difficult". i think and i wish that all newspapers should stop printing these matrimonial adds on the basis of caste categories as a small student also read those pages and from the childhood the newspaper whgich they read firstly in the morning time made them to think about caste categories and slowly - slowly they also start comparing people on the basis of caste categories.
ALSO HRD ministry should recalled from there minds the incidents of that time when mandal commission was setup and had created such same norms and conditions and had implemented them at that time which discouraged the students of general categories and even made them to commit suicides.Also as India is known for producing the master minds of the world in every field of the world and mostly those masterminds have done some specialized course in which only the most brilliant and intellectual students get admission through hard competitions and hard work.That’s by the India is known for producing quality students. But the decision of HRD ministry to reserve more 27% seats for OBC students will be a step back for the Indian students and the quality of minds India produced.
For getting admission to a specialized course the students do hard work, they didn’t remember for food and fun, their goal is to just crack the most tough and tough competitions and entrance exams and then after highly tough interviews to get admissions but if the seats are reserved for the OBC’S or on the basis of castes will only depressed the minds of the students and also make them mentally upset as the students which got less rank can take admission on the basis of caste and the student which has done hard work will just see his own exploitation by the hands of their own govt. in the democracy of India.
This is the time of huge competition and development and one has to do a lot of hard and smart work for retaining and to run with the speed of the world and now if in this time such rules are applied will also ruin the steps of development of our economy as the development is only based on the master minds and if we start exploiting our master minds we cant retain our speed of development and can never become a developed country so there is a need of retaining the admissions in specialized courses should be based on merit only as caste, creed or color are just the issues which the political parties used as those people have no relation with the emotions and hard work of students.They are using these issues for their political profits and are exploiting the Indian development.


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